Tuesday 4 February 2014


Teringat dulu first time terperasan orang tuuu time sem 1, trip to Malacca, and of course tak ambil peduli pun, haha. 'Just-another-boy-passing-by'. And throughout the first sem pun still kalau terserempak 'just-another-boy-passing-by' haha :p Tak pernah terfikir, tak pernah terimagine pun 'just-another-boy-passing-by' ni tetiba pulak satu kelas bila naik sem 2. Selalu kena usik dalam kelas dulu dulu. hihi. *rolling eyes* well awak, you we're 'just-another-boy-passing-by',nothing more and nothing less. Tapi tu semua duluuu, But now you are my buah hati pengarang jantungku ;)  Happy first years Anniversary NNS <3 hihi. k, malu malu (tutup muka, sambil lari berguling)

The songs sincerely come's from inside me